Sunday, March 8

dora b'ivrit

דורה Sticky Tape
Uploaded by xxvirtualxx

dora is actually really popular for young kids in israel. it airs on hop!, the major children's channel. they actually redub dora so that she is teaching english to hebrew speakers. dora and boots speak hebrew, but the many of the friends and characters speak english. dora translates the words from english to hebrew for boots, just like she does for spanish in the american dora.


  1. did you do this just for me?? :) this is great - i'm going to show noa...she'll love it!

  2. yes! i totally did, but also because i'm sure other people can see it too. tell me how noa likes it!

    i hope everybody is well.

  3. :) you're awesome! thank you! noa loved first she was like, 'i cant understand what they're saying' but she proceeded to sit and watch the whole thing anyway. she's made it through the first two so far. :)
