Sunday, February 8


yalei is really into standing up, now. (i mean, like standing up holding onto things.) she pulled herself up onto the musical table and up and down and up and down. she's not yet cruising on her own, but if we hold her hands she's on the move! (she's 10 months and 6 days. i don't know the milestones and stuff, but i think she's in her range. i don't think she's ahead or behind.)

she's very different than aviyah, i think, so far. aviyah was always kind of pretty willful and pretty attached. yalei is a more easy going, and she can already play alone pretty well. i definitely don't think that she is raised in the exact same way. in some ways, i'm pretty sure it's better, but i know that all of the attention that we gave aviyah all the time also had a lot of positives, too. it's funny, though, because sometimes aviyah will get down or something and she'll come sit on our lap and suck on her finger and yalei is off playing in the corner and it's like they've flipped ages.

sometimes, we also worry and try to make sure that she gets all of the same reading time and playing time that we gave to aviyah. it is harder, though, for sure. i mean, sometimes you're very tired or she's very calm and also i feel like sometimes we were over-present for aviyah. i mean, i think she's doing really well (aviyah), but i wish we had made sure to give her more alone time, too.

yalei likes clapping very much. she likes standing on my lap. she likes choosing which fingers to hold onto. she likes eating big people food. (she's very over baby food.) also, she likes to jack other little kids of their toys. (aviyah, i think, has never stolen a toy in her life. i love that, too, but i have a special place in my heart for feistiness.)


  1. tristan can't wait to meet yalei (Actually we can't wait to meet her) and he doesn't mind having toys stolen =) the little boy he hangs with the most always steals the toys and tristan never quite minds! we look forward to next weekend!

  2. YAY!! for feisty!! gotta luv that in a long as they belong to someone else!!
