Monday, November 19

kikar times

today, we went to times square to visit the toys r' us store. it was a little funny because it was like we were tourists. we took pictures of all the lights, and aviyah watched the big television in the center. she _loved_ geoffrey the giraffe and sent him looooots of kisses.

we've been working alot with her to stop whining. i think she's been getting better. one day, both samantha and i were home so we were able to double team her and stay consistent. then, she started to understand that both of us were going to to say no if she whined. i recognize that she still is young, but i want her to understand that whining isn't appropriate behavior and we have words and signs we can use to ask for things now. when i see students in 7th grade perform behaviors, i know that they do them because they've been successful. i think it's a longer conversation, but i think the larger idea should be that whining is not a successful behavior.

1 comment:

  1. Man I've been away from the blogs too long . I feel like your girl is growing up too fast. Can you slow it down? I haven't even made it to the apple to see her. You owe me an email.


