Thursday, October 18

17 months (כמעט)

aviyah is almost 17 months old. it's a little crazy to think that she's getting older, but she's really so much fun right now. she's getting bigger, and she's staying up a bit later now. i'm trying to go on little trips with her around the city in the afternoons. we have a park and a playground that is nearby that she loves, but i also want to try to expose to so many different kinds of things and people.

she visited the doctor the other day for her checkup. she is officially 21 lbs. and 29". the doctor said that she is growing and that she's right on point for her percentile. (she's getting close to the alarm button in the elevator!!!) she's definitely tiny, though. she's in the 10-25 percentile, but the doctor said that the key is that she's staying with her pattern.

it's been a bit crazy sometimes. sometimes there's pressure from things other parents say that try to seem like their baby is or was bigger because they are or were doing a better job feeding her. there's a couple of other smaller babies at the park and they definitely have said they feel the same thing. it's one of the things that parents compete about a little bit. . . i think it's a bit crazy.

i think the key thing is that every baby has their own pattern. and i know that within our circle everyone is really trying to make the very best thing happen for their baby, so i think it's hard to judge like that. that said, it's also been good because it caused us to really make sure we were doing our best to feed her all different kinds of foods and to try different ways to help make sure she eats. i just think different babies have a different pace on different things and it's hard to make a case about things so early, i think.

she is trying to say more and more words, and she gets really proud of herself when we understand what she's trying to say. her words aren't always clear though, and many of the words sound similar to each other. she says "hi" and "bye" and "park" and "momma" and "dadda". she says "milk" and "book" and "bubble" and "bath" and "gezer" (carrot). she says "par par" (butterfly) and "baby" and "bao bao" (hug). i imagine she's close to around 15 or 20 words, maybe. people say that she might be a bit delayed because of the different languages, but either way, i think it will be okay.

today, she was holding a bag and pointing and saying "bag" and "aviyah" over and over again. was she trying to trick me into thinking it was her bag? was she trying to say "aviyah's holding a bag"? was she trying to convince me to buy her one?

in our apartment building, there's about 6 or 7 other children that she sees and plays with in the backyard or in the front yard. the weather is still so nice here that she's able to play with outside. ava let her play with her purse (the bag!), and she even offered to let aviyah borrow it for the night. what a sweetheart!

she definitely understands a lot of what i'm saying in hebrew. i wonder how everything will turn out. she has said three or four words in hebrew, but usually the hebrew word for a thing is harder to say. plus, she gets crazy reinforcement in english because she hears it all around from everyone. i imagine that if i continue, she'll definitely get what i'm saying, and she'll definitely have a big leg up in making hebrew her own if she wants too. that said, i'm pretty sure she'll end up speaking english back to me. some people have mentioned that if i really want her to speak it back that i need to not respond to her if she says it in english. i'm not sure i can really do that. . . i'd really love for her to speak hebrew, but i can't go all eliezer ben yehuda.


  1. Tov Maod to you guys & Aviyah!!

    Very nice post!
    Keeps us all on pace with Aviyah's growth & experiences!

    ¿who is Eleizar ben yehuda?

    She will be able to "travel talk" with Gveret Mommom b/c i am doing my "inflight training"
    plus Tues this wk. i start the Ulpan!

    p.s. i think ..since we share some DNA that Aviyah really wanted to borrow Ava's pocketbook!!

    i also think i see a little of cuzzie Natalie in the pix??

    Ani ohevet otach

  2. this is so cute....i just got my own blog so i could respond to you guys....
    i rode my bike yesterday to see sydney,but she wasn't to responsive. we went to dinner with herand her parents last night as well so it was sydney's day!!!!!
    i love pictures, so send as many as you want... love papa
