Saturday, December 30

trippin' 2007

the progressive left
a hateful paper published by the american jewish committee claims that progressive liberal politics foments antisemitism.
Jews themselves, especially so-called “progressive” Jews, [contribute] to the intellectual and political climate that helps to foster such hostility, especially in its anti-Zionist forms.

the paper largely addresses unfortunate increases in public antisemitism. however, it is mistaken and decidedly unfair to claim independent political voices support antisemitism. we must be able to openly and honestly criticize, create, and debate political ideas.

student achievement and poverty
a feature article in the miami herald chronicles the impact of poverty on student achievement and school performance. the article explains that arcane legislation organizes funding for schools and consistently reproduces high density poverty. in short, the article determines:
"students who live in poverty go to school less prepared than upper- and middle-class students, score lower on standardized tests and are less likely to graduate from high school."

the article concludes that student achievement is more complex than school funding. however, the associate superintendent contends: ''Money isn't everything. . . but let's get to these children the funds that, by law, they're entitled to.''

2006 color of the year: green
thomas friendman increasingly promotes environmental activism in his columns. in short, he maintains that old business and bush conservatism fund both sides of the war on terror. going green, he explains, is good for the environment and good for business. however, environmental awareness was largely relegated to hippie kooks and hard lefty progressive. now, friedman explains that green is mainstream.
We reached a tipping point this year -- where living, acting, designing, investing and manufacturing green came to be understood by a critical mass of citizens, entrepreneurs and officials as the most patriotic, capitalistic, geopolitical, healthy and competitive thing they could do. Hence my own motto: ''Green is the new red, white and blue.''

new american jewish population survey
a major 2001 survey estimated there were 5.2 million American Jews. this represented a significant population decline, and it sparked strong concerns in the organized jewish community. however, 2 large surveys recently determined the American Jewish population continues to increase. a survey summary is published in the forward:
"Two major new demographic studies estimate the American Jewish population at well above 6 million people, indicating a growing Jewish community that contrasts sharply with popular images of Jewish decline. In particular, scholars say, the new studies appear to refute a widely publicized survey conducted in 2001, which counted 5.2 million American Jews and sparked widespread anxiety over American Jewry’s future."

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