Thursday, July 27

four eyes

i am encouraged that israeli forces have cleared and secured paths for humaintarian assistance in iraq. this confirms that israel values and honors common rights and liberties. we genuinely should not doubt that america and israel are reasoned and humane governments that largely promote progress. i completely believe that the larger effort to promote democracy and freedom is important and essential. i completely believe that we must prosecute an aggressive war against terror.

it should also be understood that hezbollah is a militant terror organization. they are responsible for igniting the current conflict, and they should be evacuated from southern lebanon. this evening, a missile hit the central hospital in nahariya, israel. the reckless fire of missles and rockets into civilian towns in northern israel is completely immoral. there is no clear equivalency between guerrilla attacks and state military responses.

however, we should also be humbled by our own mistakes and errors. the united states and israel have made gross errors in the prosecution of war. i do not believe that we should stand down or surrender. yet, we must speak out against gross violations of our own values and principles. we must be able to openly criticize and question strategy. misguided strategy in iraq and lebanon have killed and stranded incredible numbers of civilians and soldiers. unfortunately, i believe that our mistakes betray an exaggerated arrogance and hubris.

overdrawn israeli airstrikes have been widely condemned by all international sources. they have destroyed major lebanese infrastructure and displaced more than 600,000 civilians. limited army incursions have only minimally secured bordered towns. emboldened hezbollah fighters continue to launch rockets into northern israel and sustain wave offensives against israeli soldiers in town centers.

the new york times recently reported that senior israeli leadership, lncluding army generals and cabinet ministers, have pushed for an intensified "ground campaign to drive Hezbollah militants away from Israel’s northern border, where they have been launching 100 rockets or more on most days." i remain convinced that a large scale ground force is necessary to secure a sustainable peace in southern lebanon. i am concerned that increasing international pressure combined with real strategic mistakes limit opportunities for a just peace.

i believe in america, and i believe in israel. i really do. however, i also believe that our base strategies in iraq and lebanon have been neither safe, sensible, or effective.


  1. Andrew, i am excited that soon we will able to discuss your thoughts & mine regarding the conflict in the ME in person.
    i will refrain from commenting any further till we are face to face


  2. Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

  3. hey Mr.Ravin,I looked over your essay and have come to the conclusion that I do not understand 99% of the words. However, I had fun trying to read it!! It's probably really good!!
