Tuesday, May 30

las cosas mas importantes

these are important things to know about aviyah:

1) she was born on friday, may 26th at 11:24 pm.

2) in the hebrew calendar, she was born parashat bamidbar, 29 iyyar 5766.

3) in the chinese calendar, she was born on yi-mao, gui-si, bing-xu.

4) her mommy and daddy love her very much.

5) she has lots of extended family and friends who love her very much.

6) her full name is aviyah xiaolei farah chan ravin.

7) the name aviyah means "god is my father". it is from the tanakh, the hebrew bible. aviyah is the mother of hezekiah, king of judah.

8) she is named for her paternal great grandfather, albert or avraham.

9) xiaolei is mandarin chinese. the character for xiao means "new dawn", and the character for lei means "strength" or "forthrightness".

10) farah palkhiwala was my very close friend. we attended the peddie school, a boarding school in highstown, new jersey. farah passed away in december, 2004.

11) aviyah is a very big chicago cubs, chicago bears, and chicago bulls fan. she also loves the university of michigan. go blue!


  1. it IS UNBELIEVEABLE HOW ALERT AVI IS!! I AM A MAVEN on infant grand daughters & i say she is AMAZING!! how very special that you gave Farah an honor of a middle name! . As always i am very proud of the two of you

  2. Judy and I send a big Mazal Tov. Picture and sound and beautiful explanations of her name!- With love and hugs, Judy and Carl Wolkin

  3. Andrew and Samantha,
    WOW! Mazel Tov! Aviyah is so beautiful!! So- we are expecting our own little one in October :) You'll have to give us some tips on getting through those sleepless nights...

    Mazel Tov again,
    Jenny and Brian Schwartz

  4. Hey Andrew and Samantha

    I know it has been very long since I have seen you guys but I wanted to say Mazel Tov to you. You baby is just beautiful. You will be wonderful parents. I hope all is well with you guys.

    Jen Lifshitz

  5. rabbi and mrs. wolkin: thank you so much for visiting! we miss you, and we hope everything is well with you.

    jenny and brian: wow! b'sha'ah tovah! that is very exciting. we are so happy for you!!! i've been so humbled by the whole experience. it can be really crazy.

    jen: thank you so much for coming! isn't she really cute! i mean, i keep trying to think. . . am i just saying that? we really do feel so blessed and lucky that she is healthy and here.
