Wednesday, July 13

the samantha report

samantha says hi! she thinks it's very funny that we have a blog, now. shanghai is a lot like new york city, she said. it's very big and modern and it has huge buildings and lots of stores to shop in. she bought a pair of shoes for $4, today. (so that's a little bit different than nyc!)

they have been taking a lot of dance class, so far. there are five students in the younger class, from 8-12 years old. samantha said that her favorite classes are the handkerchief dance and the long-sleeve dance. the classes are being taught by friends of her teacher in nyc, bei bei. the teachers all went to the same dance school together when they were younger, the beijing dance academy. (or, if you can read chinese characters, this is their homepage. )

everybody is really nice and really cooperative, she said. she wants to say hi to everybody. . . she is having fun, but she also misses home.

i miss you, too! wah ai nee (i love you!)
: )

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